* Buzzfeed doesn’t get it. The reason Richard Spencer Seig Heiled Milo was because he despises Milo, not because they are comrades. Spencer despises Milo for being gay, Jewish and degenerate. At the time, Spencer was fighting with Milo for the Alt Right label.
* This New Yorker article might be the most fair one done yet on the Alt Right.
* Just as all roads lead to Rome, all right-wing thought leads to the JQ. If it doesn’t lead to the JQ, it’s not truly right-wing. The one thing Jews should be doing in response is stopping their major organizations from pushing mass immigration, multiculturalism and degeneracy (gay marriage, tranny rights etc).
* Weev, the greatest troll, is going after Richard Spencer. Weev may be more scary for Jews than Andrew Anglin let alone Richard Spencer. Weev and Anglin probably wanted Spencer to be the guy but they feel let down. There’s a bit of the frat boy in Spencer, the let’s get drunk and damn the consequences, and you might expect more seriousness from a guy in his early 40s. On the Alt Right, Greg Johnson’s critics say that if you befriend Greg Johnson, you’ll end up hating him. Now people like Weev are saying the same thing about Spencer.